Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Meaning of Life

Isn't that one of mankind's most perplexing questions? Many have spent decades pondering the meaning of life and reached the end of theirs 
with very few answers. As time speeds past, I easily see how that can happen to the best of us. 

When the to do lists of work, family activities, laundry, cleaning, 
shopping, cooking, yard work, bill paying, etc. wake us every morning 
and stay close on our heels through the day,who has time to search for 
the meaning of life? Some weeks I can't find time to write a blog or 
make a long over due phone call.

Thankfully, God has already resolved the big issues. For Him, defining 
the meaning of life is as simple as adding 1+1. Not surprising since He 
created the earth and each one of us in the first place. When we need 
answers about a product don't we ask the manufacturer? His Word 
holds the answers we're looking for, like 1 Corinthians 5:15

"And He died for all, that those who live might no longer live for 
 themselves but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf."

Problem solved. Once again, God cleans up the muddy waters of our
confusion. We just have to stop pursuing our own plans and stop 
allowing our inadequacies to keep us from pursuing His. Piece of cake, 
right? Not necessarily, but worth every effort.  

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Where is Jesus Now?

At Christmas we think of Jesus as a baby dressed in swaddling clothes,  
sleeping on a bed of hay. 

At Easter we remember the betrayal, brutality, and cross where He  
died in our place. Then the glory of an empty tomb, and the angel's 
words, "He is not here, for He is risen as He said" (Matt. 28:6) 

Two special seasons that draw us to hear again how Jesus Christ 
came in love to rescue us from spiritual death. But with Easter over 
and Christmas far away, where do see our Lord today?

"God raised Jesus from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in 
heavenly places" (Ephesians 1: 20).

Most of us already know Jesus is with God in heaven enjoying wonders 
we can't even imagine, but do we know what else He's doing?

"Therefore [Jesus] is also able to save to the uttermost those who 
come to God through Him, since He ever lives to make intercession 
for them" (Hebrews 7:25 italics added).

The risen Savior sits at the right hand of God interceding for us. We 
can lose sight that Jesus is still acting on our behalf. When we do 
remember, it's astounding to realize that Jesus not only died for 
us, He also lives for us. 

After He paid for our sins, Jesus ascended to God and sent the Holy 
Spirit to become our counselor, comforter, and friend. As if that 
weren't amazing enough, our Advocate also prays for and defends us. 
With such incredible back up, why do we ever feel like we have to 
navigate this life on our own?  

The more we understand this, the more our lives will change for the 
better, because Jesus changes everything. Our part is to let Him.     


Friday, April 18, 2014

7 Reasons Why Jesus Came

The Easter bunny and all his trappings may fill store shelves and 
shopping carts but Jesus is still the reason for every season. What 
He accomplished on our behalf fills the heart of this holiday. Yet why 
exactly did Jesus come? Why did He willingly set aside the wonders 
of heaven to endure the trials and dust of earth? 

1. To give light to those who sit in darkness (Luke 1:79)

2. To destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8)

3. To preach the Kingdom of God (Luke 4:43)

4. To seek and save the lost ((Luke 19:10)

5. To give His life as a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28)

6. To give us life, abundant life (John 10:10)

7. To become sin for us that we might become the righteousness
    of God in Him (2 Corinthians 5:21)  

These reasons intertwine yet each one reveals an expression of 
the Lord's grace toward us. Counting the incredible things Jesus did 
reminds us to thank Him for doing what no one else could. All of it 
amazing. And the best way to thank someone for a gift is to use it

A pastor once said our greatest lack is acquisition and it's true. Though
I've known Jesus for 25 years, I often struggle to walk in His Light. It's 
hard to regard all the works of the devil as destroyed. That includes his 
weapons of mass destruction, even the ones we forget come from him like doubt, worry, fear, and resentment.  

Perhaps walking close enough to Jesus each day to see and feel His 
Light will empower us to live in His truth for us, dead to sin, including 
the silent ones we try to hide from people but God sees.

As we participate in the Lord's purpose for coming down from heaven, 
we just may find ourselves smack in the middle of that illusive, abundant 
life which Jesus bought for us with His blood. 

By this time next week, what's left of the Easter decorations and candy 
we'll find in a bin marked 75% off. (Don't forget the calories are still 
100%). But the priceless gift of salvation will always be in season.