Friday, March 21, 2014

What Are We Waiting For?

The last few years have been difficult for writers. When the economy 
crashed, it changed much about publishing. Established magazines 
closed their doors. Book publishers slashed staff to stay in business. 
Most of them no longer take chances on unknown authors. It's almost 
like if we haven't already made a name for ourselves, we've missed 
the last boat.

I spent a few days at a writer's conference where acquisition editors 
introduced us to the concept of platform. Basically that means bringing 
an impressive readership to the publisher with you.

"Do you lead a big church, have a national speaking ministry, walk on 

Answering no to all the above brought a, "Sorry, we can't publish your 
book even though it's well-written and has potential." 

Yes, there are exceptions. Unknown authors still break into print and 
onto bestseller lists. But for those who haven't, the publishing odds discourage us. And discouragement saps motivation.  

This holds true in other areas of life too. If we wait for a person, a 
publisher or anyone else to grant us permission to pursue our dream
we may spend our whole lives waiting. God offers a better way.   

Romans 12:2 reveals step one: "Do not be conformed to this world"
This verse encourages us to stop looking to the world for direction, 
permission or confirmation. We can't approach the do until we eliminate the don't- the beliefs that stop us. 

Renewing our minds involves seeing everything through fresh eyes, 
washing away the lies and road blocks with Scripture. Our hope grows 
as old mind sets begin to crumble. Those walls have kept us living in a 
small corner long enough. Now we can step into the wonders that are 
only possible with God.   

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