The Game Changer
This week I helped my husband build a retainer wall. The sixty pound
stones were too heavy to move from pallet to wall so I moved dirt instead, loads of it. Sometimes I appreciate mindless work for the physical exercise
and time to think. Except when my thoughts wander back to my B.C. days. (Before Christ entered my life.) Before long I'm shaking my head at some of the choices I made, the selfish pursuits and failures. Stuff I'd rather forget.
Then a realization hit me. Before we accept Jesus as our Lord and God as
our Father,we don't have His Spirit and counsel to help us. In fact we have
the opposite. In John 8, Jesus tells the Pharisees and unbelieving Jews
they are of their father, the devil, because they rejected Him as the
Messiah. Wouldn't that apply to all of us before we come to know Jesus personally? Seems pretty clear and helps explain a lot of those B.C. experiences though it in no way excuses us.
our Father,we don't have His Spirit and counsel to help us. In fact we have
the opposite. In John 8, Jesus tells the Pharisees and unbelieving Jews
they are of their father, the devil, because they rejected Him as the
Messiah. Wouldn't that apply to all of us before we come to know Jesus personally? Seems pretty clear and helps explain a lot of those B.C. experiences though it in no way excuses us.
And then Jesus saves us and presents us to His Father as a new member
of the family. As I shoveled dirt into the wheelbarrow I marveled at the
incredible difference between being a child of the devil and a child of God.
Do we miss much of the transformation available through that transaction simply because it's so astounding? Some of us only accept what we can understand and build our live around that. Yet God comes into our lives to make all things new.
We leave the father of lies for the Father of Lights. We get to know and
love Him through His Word and become like Jesus one tiny, miraculous change at a time. Salvation: The ultimate game changer.
love Him through His Word and become like Jesus one tiny, miraculous change at a time. Salvation: The ultimate game changer.