Thursday, May 22, 2014


Last week my cell phone met with disaster. The details are irrelevant and a bit embarrassing. Let's just say I found it in the laundry room again, way too close to the washing machine and all that water. Thankfully my husband let me use his upgrade 
so I could order a new phone for minimal cost.

Fed-ex doesn't deliver on Saturdays in our little town so by Sunday morning I was 
still living the disconnected life. Sure I have a home phone and email but not being 
able to reach others immediately by cell phone or text left me feeling uneasy. 
Especially early that morning. 

I drove across town to meet a friend at 6:45 a.m. I parked at the designated spot and watched for her car. After 10 minutes I began to worry and wanted to call or text but 
for the first time in 12 years, I didn't have my cell phone with me. Feeling uncomfortably disconnected, I assessed my options. 

  • drive home and call her (that would take too long)
  • find a pay phone (do such things still exist?) 
Did I even know her fairly new number? With everyone's numbers programmed in 
my cell I just click their name or code. Problem: When the phone died it took all the 
those numbers with it.  

A few blocks away I pulled into Safeway and smiled to see an old-fashioned 
pay phone on the side of their building. I read the instructions, dialed what I hoped 
was her number, dug out two quarters and viola`, connected once again.

This experience sparked a renewed appreciation for the gift of prayer. No device 
required. Continuous reception wherever we go. And God not only listens for our 
prayers, He treasures them (Revelation 5:8). Our heavenly Father so loves to hear 
from us, He encourages us to pray continuously (Romans 12: 12). 

In this age of cell phones, email, facebook, and twitter, people constantly 
communicate with one another. Whether we're in the checkout line at the grocery 
store or hiking up a trail, we're almost always reachable. Technology grows more 
proud of its accomplishments every day. Yet for the Lord this isn't a new thing. From 
the beginning God provided a way for us to stay connected with Him. Thankfully, He 
is never more than a prayer away.

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