Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I've been helping my husband, the contractor, on a project the last couple of weeks. My job, removing wallpaper from the kitchen and entry. While he's been insulating and hanging sheet rock I've been peeling, scraping and chipping away at sun-baked wallpaper. Just today I peeled off the last of it and thought, I'm sure glad I don't do this work for a living. At this rate I'd make about a dollar an hour.  

My thoughts rushed to my defense, Well, it's not like I've done this work before. I'd have to research how to do it efficiently and invest in equipment like a quality steamer. I'd also spend time doing it to gain experience. Sensible right? Then I stopped.     

Crowded into a corner by my own thoughts I had to admit I don't always pursue the things closest to my heart with as much zeal as I would 
wallpaper removal. That explains and illuminates a few things. Perhaps 
our dreams wouldn't remain so illusive if we made them a priority like we 
do with our work for money. 

      And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, 
         giving thanks to God the Father through Him" (Col. 3:17).  

Scripture calls us God's workmanship created for good works which He 
made in advance for us to pursue, for us to do. I don't know about 
you, but I too often neglect and misplace those "good works" while 
giving my thoughts and time to everything else. Sounds like another 
old year resolution in the making.

Though I've never wanted to go into the wallpaper business, I want to 

spend more time this year pursuing the good works God created with 
me in mind. I pray you will too. In so doing, we'll tell God thank You 
for those treasures He made just for us.       

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