The Ongoing Pursuit of Happiness
Last time I listed 7 of the many things Scripture recommends for anyone searching
for happiness. Yet has just reading the list made us happier? Doubtful so let's take
a closer look at them.
a closer look at them.
Salvation and Fear, the first two, are inseparable. We won't realize our need for
Jesus without some fear or reverence for God. As fear of Him grows, so does our appreciation for being a member of His family.
Remember the first years as a Christian when we couldn't help but talk about
Jesus? Just the mention of His name made us smile.The following verse explains
how to get that back: "Surely His salvation is near to those who fear Him that glory
may dwell in our land" (Psalm 85:9).
Jesus? Just the mention of His name made us smile.The following verse explains
how to get that back: "Surely His salvation is near to those who fear Him that glory
may dwell in our land" (Psalm 85:9).
When we keep our position as God's child up close and personal, an underlying
happiness grows. And as we express our thankfulness and joy over being saved
happiness grows. And as we express our thankfulness and joy over being saved
we'll bring God glory.
On the other hand, some of us act like John 3:16 is less important than last week's
weather report. Our outlook tells everyone we need so much more than Jesus to
be happy. We often sound like Mrs. Popham in Summer Magic, who said, "I always
weather report. Our outlook tells everyone we need so much more than Jesus to
be happy. We often sound like Mrs. Popham in Summer Magic, who said, "I always
expect the worst and I ain't ever been disappointed." Maybe we've lost sight of our
redemption and the friendship Jesus wants to share.
The third principle leading to happiness is learning to do His Word. Sounds like a monumental request and only becomes possible by the power of the Holy Spirit. As
an example, I just randomly opened the Bible and read,
"That the sharing of your faith may become effective by the acknowledgment
of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus," (Philemon 6)
of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus," (Philemon 6)
Sounds like to do that verse means we count our blessings and give God the
credit for them. Then others may see our peace and joy in the Lord and be drawn
into His family as well. Could anything make us happier than helping change
someone's eternal destination?
These are just a few more words for thought on a subject one could study for
years. Next time we'll continue looking at the 7 principles leading to happiness.
If you have any thoughts to add, I'd be glad to hear from you.
years. Next time we'll continue looking at the 7 principles leading to happiness.
If you have any thoughts to add, I'd be glad to hear from you.