Monday, July 21, 2014

7 Secrets to Being Happy

"I just want my children to be happy." 

Every parent I've talked to has said similar words. We all want our sons 
and daughters to pursue careers and relationships that will bring them 
happiness. Though it's one of our main hopes for our children, our own experience has shown us how illusive it can be. 

America was built on the truth of all people created equal and each 
holding the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Yet 
few of us can list the ingredients for a truly happy life. On our own 
we stumble through a series of trial and error at best.

Since God's first garden, mankind has been in pursuit of self-fulfillment 
and often missing it altogether. Like Adam and Eve, we tend to look in 
the wrong places. It's no secret only 5% of people with college degrees 
work in a related occupation. More than half of all marriages end in 
divorce. And wealthy people are often among the most miserable. 
Sounds like the world doesn't know much about happiness. 

Isn't it time we admit our need for God's Word on the subject? He made 
us and knows better than anyone what will make us and our children 
happy. Here's a quick list to consider. 

1. Accept Jesus as your Lord (Psalm 144:15)

2. Fear God no matter what (Proverbs 28:14)

3. Do His Word, don't just read or listen to it (John 13:17)

4. Work for the things you need and want (Psalm 128:2)

5. Share with people who have less than you (Proverbs 14:21)

6. Hope in the Lord, not another person or yourself (Psalm 146:5)

7. Keep seeking and finding God's Wisdom (Proverbs 3:13)

These aren't secrets, you may be thinking, and they don't sound like the 
Rx for happiness either. It's true, just knowing them doesn't make us 
happy. But doing them does and that's the well-kept secret. 

Check out the verses for each one listed above (NKJV). And check back 
here in a week or so. We'll be looking at ways to translate these truths from God's Word into true happiness we can share with the people we love, especially our children and grandchildren. Sometimes just living it ourselves is the best way to show them it's real. 

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