Sunday, September 28, 2014

You're Forgetting 

Lily, age 4, walked in one morning ready to spend the day at grandma's 
house. She looked around and saw something amiss.
     "You're forgetting," she said, smiling.
     "What is it?" I asked.
     "The gate," she pointed to the stairs. "You forgot to put the gate up." 

Oops! I immediately clicked the portable gate in place so she wouldn't be tempted to run up and down the stairs, not safe for a preschooler.

Very little gets past the sharp eye of a child. Perhaps because their 
minds aren't cluttered with concerns or weighed down with worries.

In the midst of trying times we tend to forget important things, like how 
much God cares about us. Someone may say, "God loves you," and we 
accept it with an anemic smile. Then like other Christian cliches`, it 
slides off without changing the way we  perceive or deal with problems.

Distracted by so many lesser things, we truly do forget the depth of 
God's love. I ran across aamazing verse in the obscure book of 

       "The Lord your God in your midst, the Mighty One, will save; He 
          will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you in His love, 
          He will rejoice over you with singing" (Zephaniah 3:17).

It's like we know God loves us, but when was the last time we heard 
Him sing to us? Ever? The drama and clamor of this life crowds out the 
song we most need to hear. Jesus said we'll always have the poor with 
us. We'll always have circumstances vying for our attention as well.  

So I close my eyes and listen for heaven's song. Because only in His 
song will we begin to know the depth of His love.  


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