Thursday, October 16, 2014

Finding Purpose

Grocery shopping fulfills a purpose. People like to eat and families 
have favorite recipes which call for certain ingredients. Hence, grocery 
shopping has a direct purpose. I find myself at the grocery store far too 
often. In fact that's one of my pet peeves and the reason for a forming resolution: Only one trip to the grocery store per week. My mom used to 
shop for the entire month, surely I can make once a week work. 
But this post isn't about grocery shopping.

In order for a direct effort to take us closer to where we want to be, it 
must have a clear purpose. I began this blog to see if I could, or would, 
post frequently enough to connect with some readers along the way. 
Since I had no idea if I'd find and maintain momentum, I've told very 
few people it exists. I admit, some months have been fairly sketchy. 
Weeks tend to get away from me while I shop for groceries and get 
distracted by all the other activities of maintaining a household.

Still, the real reason for my hit and miss posts is a lack of clear purpose 
for posting in the first place. Every good purpose is built on priorities. 
I've prayed, considered, and decided the ongoing direction for this blog. 
The following quote sums it up rather well. 

       "I love little children and it is no slight thing when they who are fresh 
        from God love us." ~ Charles Dickens

The Lord has graciously placed children in my life and I thank Him for 
that blessing on top of all the others. Yet it's also a responsibility. We 
owe our children love, prayers, respect, and encouragement. We also 
need to help them learn the truth about God, their Creator. We live in 
a dark world, one determined to grow darker and further from the Light 
of God's Word. It's up to us to teach our little ones about the Lord.

For now this blog is primarily a reminder to myself and others of the 
treasure we have in our children. Precious and worth every moment 
we spend with them. Priorities like taking a walk together, coloring 
picture, and baking cookies. They sound cliche`but my granddaughter 
and I just baked chocolate chip cookies. We had fun and created a 
tasty treat too.            

Children grow up fast, another true cliche`, as anyone with kids can 
tell you. May the Lord remind and enable us to cherish them every 
day in word and deed.   

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