Sunday, November 30, 2014

Little Steps 

Flipping my calendar to the last month of the year got me thinking about 
the first one. Remember January 2014? One good thing about blogs, they 
jog our memory. I looked back and read my first post of the year - 
"Old Year Resolutions." I mentioned things from past years that I had
yet to accomplish, like the book I'd been writing. With the second draft 
nearly finished at the time, I had no idea how much work it still needed. I 
also didn't know the details of publishing a digital book. I've been learning 
much about that recently.

Countless little steps over the past couple of years brought me to a bigger 
step two days ago. After much editing and ado, I finally clicked "publish." 
My book, The Neglected Journey, is now live, as they say, and available 
on Amazon Kindle. I wrote this book to encourage Christians to trek into 
the life God created for us. The one Jesus calls abundant (John 10:10). 
They say people write the book they need to read, and I'm no exception. 

Throughout the process I considered giving up more than a few times. But 
the Lord convinced me to keep studying and writing. He always has the 
better plan. The project finally grew into the vision I believe God gave 
me for it four years ago. 

We've all heard it took Thomas Edison 1,000 steps, or attempts, to 
invent the lightbulb. Though some disagree on how many times he tried
and seemingly failed, we all agree he's an example of perseverance.

       "Diligence is man's precious possession" (Prov. 12:27). 

Another way to say it is don't give up. Hold on to the unshakeable dream 
God planted in your heart and keep walking toward it. Because when we put enough of the right little steps together, they aren't so little after all.

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