Saturday, March 14, 2015

A Time to Plant

We've enjoyed less rain and more walking weather on the Oregon Coast this spring.  On walks with Willa (our German/Australian shepherd), I love seeing the daffodils along our country road. Clusters circle trees, rows line driveways. Others grow by the roadside and in pastures, speaking the promise of spring.  

Curiously, not one of these amazing flowers bloom at my house. In fact, if you
walked past, as someone just did, you wouldn't see any reason to think daffodils are my favorite flower. Even so, I admire each one I see.  

So why haven't I planted any over the last decade? I've planted marigolds, pansies, nasturtiums, and petunias - none of which returned the next year. But why haven't I planted a few faithful daffodils to greet us every spring? I don't like admitting such lethargy. But on the upside, it's a call to change, a reminder to plant and grow. 

The problem is, we don't plant daffodils or tulips in the spring, when they're everywhere to remind us. We plant these bulbs during the harvest season. By then, we're more inclined to make applesauce than plant daffodils. But...if we want these glorious beauties to brighten our early spring...  

A time to plant, a time to grow, and a time to flourish. The same holds true for God's children. We all have seasons when we don't feel like we're growing in the
things of God. At those times, it's a struggle just to not lose ground. But if we keep planting the seeds of God's Word in our spirits, they will grow. We may not see the buds and flowers right away, but God promises His Word will become the wisdom we need for every challenge. 

"For as the rain comes down...and waters the earth, making it bring forth
 and bud...So shall My Word shall accomplish what I please and it
 shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it" (Isaiah 55:10,11).

In October, could someone remind me it's the time to plant a dozen daffodils? I'm hoping by this time next year, people walking down the road can admire the
yellow flowers blooming beside my house. And maybe God will use them to encourage others to keep planting His word in their hearts.                   

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