Sunday, March 1, 2015

Eight Weeks Later...

By now most of us would rather forget those New Year's resolutions we made eight weeks ago. Hopefully our friends and family have forgotten them too. Yet even though we struggle to make our goals a reality, we can't seem to let them go. So how can we make the next few weeks more productive? Yesterday, I was reminded of an obvious, but elusive element for progress. 

I woke before daylight and thought about my choices for the day. After praying, I decided not to make the two hour drive to a writer's conference. I had planned on going for weeks, but reluctantly let circumstances change my mind.

I can spend time at the library instead, I told myself. Then drive out, walk on the beach, and commune with God. The thought of an ocean breeze and discussing this year's writing projects with God, convinced me I'd made the right choice. 

Two cups of coffee later, the phone rang. I caught enough of my husband's conversation to know my plans were about to change. Soon we set out for an hour and a half drive in his truck. But not to gain inspiration for writing. He wanted me to help clean up a business rental for a client. The tenants moved   out and left the place a mess. Preempted again! 

We can resolve a thousand times to accomplish a goal, but until we make it a priority, it will never happen. That doesn't mean we can't help others or be spontaneous when an unexpected opportunity comes up. But when we truly prioritize our dreams from God, it keeps us from letting everything else push
them aside for weeks, months, or even years.

"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works , which
God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them" (Ephesians 2:10).   

We want to believe God has a specific plan for our life. Still we can't help but wonder, which causes us to wander from pursuing the reality of it. Even so, Jesus is the head of the body, the Church, and He has preeminence (Col. 1:18). Is that the truth and power we so easily misplace? The Lord's preeminence means He is first in rank and influence. 

Are we influenced by Him more than by anyone or anything else? 

As we learn to live a "yes" answer to that question more, our dreams from 
the Lord will get preempted less. By doing and enjoying those good works He created for us, we acknowledge Christ's preeminence in our lives. 


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