Sunday, June 28, 2015

Fearing God from A to Z

H is for Honor

"You just wanted to improve your life," Jenny said as we sat at their kitchen table visiting.
"You've always been nice people," James, her husband, added.

My sister and I had just told our friends how God had changed our lives for the better. They, being intelligent, liberal thinkers, wanted to shrink our salvation stories down to mere self-improvement. They rationalized that our righteousness was a part of us, apart from God. 

We smiled at each other. My sister and I knew better and didn't want to take credit for the miracle God had performed in our lives. 

"No," she said. "Jesus is the one who changed us."

"He saved us from our sins, something no one else could do," I said. 

Awkward silence followed, then Jenny turned the conversation. "It's been unseasonally hot, don't you think?"  

Did our long time friends see reliance on Jesus as weakness or blind faith? In reality, spiritual blindness keeps people away from the Lord. Whatever their reason, they didn't give God the credit for helping us turn away from a life of futility to one that honored Him.

Not surprising. It's a human tendency, even among Christians. We give credit for someone's accomplishments to their outgoing personality. If a person does well financially, we may credit a connection to family money, a lucky break, or a supportive spouse. Sure, God uses our circumstances and other people, but He deserves all the recognition. 

It irritates me when others try to explain away blessings until there's nothing left to thank God for. Staying mindful that He is the One teaching and helping us live His wisdom reminds us to give Him the credit He deserves. 

Way back in the day, Abraham said he wouldn't accept even a sandal strap from a local king. He didn't want anyone to think they helped him succeed in life. Abraham had learned enough wisdom to give all honor for his position and possessions to God. (Genesis 14:23) Glorifying the Lord for all He is and all He does is the essence of fearing Him. 

"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forver and ever. Amen." (1 Timothy 1:17).

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