Monday, July 6, 2015

Fearing God from A to Z

I is for Interaction

Back in the 80's, the hearts of two pastors stirred for the lost and starving people of India. One pastor lived in Boise, Idaho, the other in Bangalore, India. The one from India traveled to Boise and stepped into a church to pray. He soon learned that the Idaho pastor of that church was in Bangalore praying for guidance too. 

God brought them together and helped them far exceed all they hoped to accomplish. By His grace, these two pastors and the Christians who pray and support their work, have built many orphanages, homes for children with aids, and raised up pastor's to start churches in the slums. Excellent fruit continues to grow from their interaction with God and one another. (see   

Some of us, having been Christians for years, have become like islands. We live for ourselves and families, rarely venturing beyond the edge of our concerns. Yes, we care, but the needs of humanity are too great. Remember the starfish example? So many abandoned on shore by a wave. No one could save them all. Likewise the poor children. We can't feed and lead them all. So we do nothing. 

The fear of the Lord calls us to interact with others, to get involved in God's work on this planet. He delights to see us participate in the body of Christ and help those in need (Psalm 112:9) He invites us to pray and listen. Then, as He did for those two pastors, God will reveal His plan for us one step at a time.

No Christian is an island from God's viewpoint. If we're living like one, estranged from His interactive will, we can pray to live more in the fear of Him. It's not an esoteric concept studied only by senior pastors and theology students. The fear of God is as practical as rice and beans. And as powerful as His righteousness and blessings.  

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