Friday, February 21, 2014

Grace for the Children

"I love little children and it is no slight thing when they, who are fresh 
from God, love us" - Charles Dickens

When it comes to finding and appreciating treasure we won't find any greater than our children and grandchildren. Still, in the midst of life's stresses and challenges we don't always take time to convey that appreciation to them.

Do our children know how important they are to us and to God?  

When the disciples tried to stop people from bringing their kids to Jesus, He was greatly displeased and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God" (Mark 10:14).   

Jesus came to us full of grace and truth. Qualities He wants us to learn from Him and generously share with the children in our lives. Grace toward a child includes the same priorities mentioned in my last post: 

Keep mindful of how much God loves them; treat them with great 
respect; be affectionate and content to take walks, read books and bake cookies with them. Most importantly, may we craft our words to help build them into strong and caring men and women.  

Remember what it was like going to school all those years and trying to 
come out of it with a likeable self-image? We needed all the help we could get and children today do all the more.

If like me, you're blessed with grandchildren, you have the opportunity 
to tell them about God, the author of life, Creator of heaven and earth. 
And while we're sharing God's creation with our kids, hopefully we can 
help them learn that Jesus truly is their best friend. The ultimate 
expression of grace.   

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