Friday, February 14, 2014

The Gift of Grace

Valentine's Day, the day card companies and florists delight in. I told 
my husband if he had any thoughts of buying me flowers, I'd rather 
have a bouquet of apples. The beauty of an apple equals the rose and 
it's delicious too. 

People buy chocolate, roses, cards, and diamonds as they strive to 
express love. But department stores don't sell one of the most 
important gifts we can give each other - Grace, one of those abstract 
Bible termsWe appreciate God offering it to us but how exactly do we share it with others? That's the question I'll spend my next few 
posts trying to answer. 

Jesus came full of grace and truth (John 1:14). We came needing grace 
and truth. A match made in heaven. Our relationships on earth excel by 
His grace too, when we remember to show it. The following acronym 
reminds us to share His grace on Valentine's Day and every day.

G- Gospel  
When I get upset or impatient with my husband I remind myself that 
Jesus died on the cross for him. This helps soften my heart toward 
someone so precious to God.

R- Respect  
Scripture tells us to respect our husbands (Eph. 5:33). We're okay with 
that as long as we think they deserve it. But God gives His grace freely 
and wants us to do the same.                                                   

A- Affection 
This one can be the hardest. If my husband offers a few too many constructive criticisms, hugging him isn't my first reaction. Romans 
12:10 reminds me to keep trying because kindness dispels resentment.

C- Contentment  
Contentment grows more from giving thanks for what we have than 
getting everything we want. A content and grateful heart enables us 
to show grace to the people we love.  

E- Edify  
God gave us the gift of speech to build others up not tear them down. 
We have the opportunity to speak words that strengthen and 
encourage our spouses. Yet because we talk everyday, all day, it's 
easy to forget to season our words with grace (Colossians 4:6).        

Next week we'll look at sharing grace with the children in our lives.                                    

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