Sunday, June 8, 2014

Solving Our Ministry Mystery

When my grandson Jesse was 7-years old he already struggled with an 
issue that has plagued mankind since the beginning. 
One morning he wanted pancakes for breakfast but his mom had already 
cooked oatmeal. Then he lost a game of crazy 8's to his little sister. Later 
he had trouble sounding out words in his home school phonics book.   

That afternoon Jesse saw me stacking firewood next door and walked over.
"I'm just having a bad day," he said. 
"I'm sorry, honey. Do you want to help me stack wood? When we get done, we can bake some chocolate chip cookies."
After hoisting a few logs into the woodshed Jesse's face brightened. "I know why God made me Grandma, to be a helper. I love helping people work." 

"That's great," I smiled. "When we help others it makes God happy too."

Like Jesse, we all want to find our unique gifts and put them to use. After getting saved the thing we most want to discover is our calling from God. 
Pastors assure that God has a special plan for each one of His children. Yet many of us wonder if we're doing the work God designed for us. Meanwhile 
the years and decades tick away. 

When Jesse, my first grandchild, was born I remember thinking, How can 
I be a grandmother already? I'm still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. 

Having walked with the Lord for over 25 years I've learned that much of 
the confusion and struggle to understand our calling comes from us. Each 
time we make an effort, the enemy pelts us with discouragement and 
we back off. Whether we've tried and failed or failed to try, most of us 
have a clue what God gifted us to do. It may not be a specific role such as pastor, Sunday school teacher or writer. People who cheer up the sick or 
encourage the discouraged are equally important in the body of Christ. 

Over the next couple of weeks we'll be looking at a few Scripture clues that just may help take the mystery out of ministry. God Bless!         

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