Sunday, June 22, 2014

Why Did the Chicken Eat the Egg?

I walked across the yard to the greenhouse where the chickens live in an adjoining coop. Our four chickens have only been laying one or two eggs a day. But looking in their nest I found an empty shell- again. Aren't chickens supposed to lay eggs for their owners? We buy the chicken scratch, give 
them fresh water, clean their pen, and they lay eggs for us, right? In a 
perfect world. 

When we bought the fluffy yellow chicks a couple of years ago, we had no 
clue they would grow up and become egg eaters. We feed them oyster shell
in case they need more calcium. They just eat it along with their eggs and grain. I feel a little sorry for them because they don't realize the choice they make with every egg they break: leave the eggs for Saturday breakfast or become Sunday dinner. 

"Stop eating the reason for your existence!" I told them one morning after
finding another empty shell. But did they listen? Our chickens have a unique gift to share with us yet too often choose to spend it on themselves. 

When we discover our unique gifts from God we can be sure He didn't 
design them to spend solely on ourselves. Jesus died for us that we 
"might no longer live for ourselves but for Him who died and rose again" 
(2 Cor. 5:15). And that has much to do with helping other people. 

I've often felt discouraged when my ministry efforts don't meet my expectations. Some of those are so subtle I think I've outgrown them. 
Then an editor sends another rejection and the familiar disappointment 
clouds my day. Those feelings reveal whether I'm writing for recognition 
or as a ministry to encourage others. 

Jesus who has all power and authority will move heaven and earth to save 
one person. We who are weak and near-sighted want our efforts to bring 
more impressive numbers. Would you write a book if you thought it might help only one person find the Lord? Would I? 

Continuing the writing analogy, society says publication and sales measure 
the success of a writer. While a soul saved may go unnoticed, making the 
New York Times bestseller list brings recognition. Yet do the results have 
to be socially impressive for us to participate? 

Catching hold of heaven's priorities will go a long way toward solving our ministry mystery. Thank God for His patience while we learn through grace that it's really not about us. God reconciled us to Himself through Jesus and then gave us the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18). 

My we give up our chicken ways and offer God the fruit of our efforts to 
use as He pleases, grateful to be part of His eternal purpose.   


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