Thursday, October 23, 2014

Bark With Faith

Willa, our German/Australian mix shepherd looks forward to going out 
every morning as most dogs do. Though it's still dark, she does her 
business then sits on her covered porch and enjoys the smells and sounds 
of early morning. After an hour or so she wonders if I'm cooking anything 

"Woof!"(one sharp bark means she wants in.) 

Let me finish this thought first, I think sitting at the table surrounded with 
my Bible, other books, and stacks of scattered notes. 

As I scribble another sentence in my journal she barks again. By Willa's 
third bark I open the back door and see her curled up on her outdoor dog 
bed. She hasn't moved an inch from her comfort zone. Once she sees me 
open the door on her behalf, she stretches her legs, slowly stands, jumps 
down, and walks though the open door.

"Gosh Willa, can't you bark in faith that I will open the door, even though 
it may not be until your third request?"

At once I see a picture of myself praying as if from her dog bed. Yelping 
out prayers without moving one inch closer to the door I desperately ask 
God to open. Not a single move until I see God's answer unfold with my physical eyes. What's wrong with this picture God is showing me? 

"Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen" (Heb. 11: 1.)

Other times Willa crawls under her porch and sleeps there. Later in the 
day she often barks from down under and waits for me to open the door. 
But when I do, she can't even see me standing there saying, "I thought 
you wanted in?" Sometimes I shut it and wait until she's serious enough 
to crawl out from under her circumstances to show me she truly wants in.

"Bark in faith Willa! Show you trust your master to open the door by 
moving toward it."

"Pray in faith, Kathleen! Show you trust Your Master to open the right 

door by moving toward it. Live as if He listens to your prayers."

God loves hearing our prayers, and even treasures them in heaven. 

Thank You, God for reminding us what a powerful treasure we hold every 
time we pray. Thanks for showing us to step toward the door, believing 
You will open it. And if it's not the right one for us, guide us to the right 


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